When your employees record their time and expenses, those entries can be linked to account codes from the The Account Codes List. Access to account codes can be limited to reduce data entry errors and protect sensitive data. Accordingly, account codes can be limited for use by specific employees.
Account Codes are designed to help you track task, location, or other work-related information for each time or expense entry. Each account code can be assigned a cost rate, and these rates can be set to vary depending on which user is referencing them. Cost rates can be used for variable pay calculations on payroll reports or for job costing. Account codes can also be used to extend the number of non-accruing time off categories or to categorized expense types when tracking reimbursable expenses.
Account codes can also be restricted to specific features. For example, you could create an account code to track reimbursable meal costs and restrict its use to expense tracking so that it cannot be used with time tracking entries. (See setup instructions below for details.)
Add a Single Account Code

- Click Account Codes in the left menu under Lists.
- Enter the name of the account code in the New Account Code field.
- If desired, set the default cost rate for the account code. If individual users have a different cost rate for the account code, set the value to the most common rate, or leave this value set to $0.00 and use override rates instead (see “Account Code Tab” in the Account Settings: User section of our Help Pages for more information).
- Check the boxes next to the modules in which this account code will be available.
- If you wish to restrict thus use of the account code to specific employees, un-check the box next to Allow this Account Code to be used by any user and make specific selections. Note: This can also be accomplished by navigating to each user’s Settings page, clicking the Account Codes tab, and checking the boxes next to the account codes to which they should have access.
- Click the Add Account Code button to save the new account code
Note: The default account code (Uncategorized) cannot be deleted, but its name can be edited.
Import an Account Code List
- Click Account Codes in the left menu under Lists.
- Locate and click the blue add many… link.
- On the following page download and open the import file.
- Add each account code to column A.
- Column B is for an optional description.
- Column C is for an optional cost rate (for example: 100.00)
- Column D lets us know what feature each account code will be used with. H is for hourly time tracking, P is for project time tracking, and E is for expenses. (example: HE means an account code will be used with both hourly and expense tracking features.)
- Check the box next to Check for duplicate items before adding if you already have account codes in your list in order to avoid creating duplicate entries.
- Check the box for the header row if you are using the template file and did not delete the first row with table header information.
- Click Browse, navigate to your saved file, and click Open.
- Click the Import button.
Note: The system may reject your import due to errors in the formatting and/or data of the spreadsheet. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with the process. We are here to help!